Source code for smact.screening

import itertools
import os
import warnings
from collections import namedtuple
from itertools import combinations
from typing import Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

from smact import Element, neutral_ratios
from smact.data_loader import (
    lookup_element_oxidation_states_custom as oxi_custom,

# Use named tuple to improve readability of smact_filter outputs
_allowed_compositions = namedtuple(
    "Composition", ["element_symbols", "oxidation_states", "stoichiometries"]
_allowed_compositions_nonunique = namedtuple(
    "Composition", ["element_symbols", "stoichiometries"]

[docs]def pauling_test( oxidation_states: List[int], electronegativities: List[float], symbols: List[str] = [], repeat_anions: bool = True, repeat_cations: bool = True, threshold: float = 0.0, ): """Check if a combination of ions makes chemical sense, (i.e. positive ions should be of lower electronegativity). Args: ox (list): oxidation states of elements in the compound paul (list): the corresponding Pauling electronegativities of the elements in the compound symbols (list) : chemical symbols of each site threshold (float): a tolerance for the allowed deviation from the Pauling criterion repeat_anions : boolean, allow an anion to repeat in different oxidation states in the same compound repeat_cations : as above, but for cations Returns: bool: True if anions are more electronegative than cations, otherwise False """ if repeat_anions and repeat_cations and threshold == 0.0: return eneg_states_test(oxidation_states, electronegativities) elif repeat_anions and repeat_cations: return eneg_states_test_threshold( oxidation_states, electronegativities, threshold=threshold ) else: if _no_repeats( oxidation_states, symbols, repeat_anions=repeat_anions, repeat_cations=repeat_cations, ): if threshold == 0.0: return eneg_states_test(oxidation_states, electronegativities) else: return eneg_states_test_threshold( oxidation_states, electronegativities, threshold=threshold ) else: return False
def _no_repeats( oxidation_states: List[int], symbols: List[str], repeat_anions: bool = False, repeat_cations: bool = False, ): """ Check if any anion or cation appears twice. Args: oxidation_states (list): oxidation states of species symbols (list): chemical symbols corresponding to oxidation states repeat_anions (bool): If True, anions may be repeated (e.g. O in -1 and -2 states) repeat_cations (bool): if True, cations may be repeated (e.g. Cu in +1 and +2 states) Returns: bool """ if repeat_anions is False and repeat_cations is False: return len(symbols) == len(set(symbols)) else: anions, cations = [], [] for state, symbol in zip(oxidation_states, symbols): if state > 0: cations.append(symbol) else: anions.append(symbol) if not repeat_anions and len(anions) != len(set(anions)): return False elif not repeat_cations and len(cations) != len(set(cations)): return False else: return True
[docs]def pauling_test_old( ox: List[int], paul: List[float], symbols: List[str], repeat_anions: bool = True, repeat_cations: bool = True, threshold: float = 0.0, ): """Check if a combination of ions makes chemical sense, (i.e. positive ions should be of lower Pauling electronegativity). This function should give the same results as pauling_test but is not optimised for speed. Args: ox (list): oxidation states of the compound paul (list): the corresponding Pauling electronegativities of the elements in the compound symbols (list) : chemical symbols of each site. threshold (float): a tolerance for the allowed deviation from the Pauling criterion repeat_anions : boolean, allow an anion to repeat in different oxidation states in the same compound. repeat_cations : as above, but for cations. Returns: (bool): True if anions are more electronegative than cations, otherwise False """ if None in paul: return False positive = [] negative = [] pos_ele = [] neg_ele = [] for i, state in enumerate(ox): if state > 0: if repeat_cations: positive.append(paul[i]) elif symbols[i] in pos_ele: # Reject materials where the same # cation occupies two sites. return False else: positive.append(paul[i]) pos_ele.append(symbols[i]) if state < 0: if repeat_anions: negative.append(paul[i]) elif symbols[i] in neg_ele: # Reject materials where the same # anion occupies two sites. return False else: negative.append(paul[i]) neg_ele.append(symbols[i]) if len(positive) == 0 or len(negative) == 0: return False if max(positive) == min(negative): return False if max(positive) - min(negative) > threshold: return False else: return True
[docs]def eneg_states_test(ox_states: List[int], enegs: List[float]): """ Internal function for checking electronegativity criterion This implementation is fast as it 'short-circuits' as soon as it finds an invalid combination. However it may be that in some cases redundant comparisons are made. Performance is very close between this method and eneg_states_test_alternate. Args: ox_states (list): oxidation states corresponding to species in compound enegs (list): Electronegativities corresponding to species in compound Returns: bool : True if anions are more electronegative than cations, otherwise False """ for (ox1, eneg1), (ox2, eneg2) in combinations( list(zip(ox_states, enegs)), 2 ): if eneg1 is None or eneg2 is None: return False elif (ox1 > 0) and (ox2 < 0) and (eneg1 >= eneg2): return False elif (ox1 < 0) and (ox2 > 0) and (eneg1 <= eneg2): return False else: return True
[docs]def eneg_states_test_threshold( ox_states: List[int], enegs: List[float], threshold: Optional[float] = 0 ): """Internal function for checking electronegativity criterion This implementation is fast as it 'short-circuits' as soon as it finds an invalid combination. However it may be that in some cases redundant comparisons are made. Performance is very close between this method and eneg_states_test_alternate. A 'threshold' option is added so that this constraint may be relaxed somewhat. Args: ox_states (list): oxidation states corresponding to species in compound enegs (list): Electronegativities corresponding to species in compound threshold (Option(float)): a tolerance for the allowed deviation from the Pauling criterion Returns: bool : True if anions are more electronegative than cations, otherwise False """ for (ox1, eneg1), (ox2, eneg2) in combinations( list(zip(ox_states, enegs)), 2 ): if (ox1 > 0) and (ox2 < 0) and ((eneg1 - eneg2) > threshold): return False elif (ox1 < 0) and (ox2 > 0) and (eneg2 - eneg1) > threshold: return False else: return True
[docs]def eneg_states_test_alternate(ox_states: List[int], enegs: List[float]): """Internal function for checking electronegativity criterion This implementation appears to be slightly slower than eneg_states_test, but further testing is needed. Args: ox_states (list): oxidation states corresponding to species in compound enegs (list): Electronegativities corresponding to species in compound Returns: bool : True if anions are more electronegative than cations, otherwise False """ min_cation_eneg, max_anion_eneg = 10, 0 for ox_state, eneg in zip(ox_states, enegs): if ox_state < 1: min_cation_eneg = min(eneg, min_cation_eneg) else: max_anion_eneg = max(eneg, max_anion_eneg) return min_cation_eneg > max_anion_eneg
[docs]def ml_rep_generator( composition: Union[List[Element], List[str]], stoichs: Optional[List[int]] = None, ): """Function to take a composition of Elements and return a list of values between 0 and 1 that describes the composition, useful for machine learning. The list is of length 103 as there are 103 elements considered in total in SMACT. e.g. Li2O --> [0, 0, 2/3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1/3, 0 ....] Inspired by the representation used by Legrain et al. DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.7b00789 Args: composition (list): Element objects in composition OR symbols of elements in composition stoichs (list): Corresponding stoichiometries in the composition Returns: norm (list): List of floats representing the composition that sum to one """ if stoichs == None: stoichs = [1 for i, el in enumerate(composition)] ML_rep = [0 for i in range(1, 103)] if type(composition[0]) == Element: for element, stoich in zip(composition, stoichs): ML_rep[int(element.number) - 1] += stoich else: for element, stoich in zip(composition, stoichs): ML_rep[int(Element(element).number) - 1] += stoich norm = [float(i) / sum(ML_rep) for i in ML_rep] return norm
[docs]def smact_filter( els: Union[Tuple[Element], List[Element]], threshold: Optional[int] = 8, stoichs: Optional[List[List[int]]] = None, species_unique: bool = True, oxidation_states_set: str = "default", comp_tuple: bool = False, ) -> Union[List[Tuple[str, int, int]], List[Tuple[str, int]]]: """Function that applies the charge neutrality and electronegativity tests in one go for simple application in external scripts that wish to apply the general 'smact test'. Args: els (tuple/list): A list of smact.Element objects threshold (int): Threshold for stoichiometry limit, default = 8 stoichs (list[int]): A selection of valid stoichiometric ratios for each site. species_unique (bool): Whether or not to consider elements in different oxidation states as unique in the results. oxidation_states_set (string): A string to choose which set of oxidation states should be chosen. Options are 'default', 'icsd', 'pymatgen' and 'wiki' for the default, icsd, pymatgen structure predictor and Wikipedia ( oxidation states respectively. A filepath to an oxidation states text file can also be supplied as well. comp_tuple (bool): Whether or not to return the results as a named tuple of elements and stoichiometries (True) or as a normal tuple of elements and stoichiometries (False). Returns: allowed_comps (list): Allowed compositions for that chemical system in the form [(elements), (oxidation states), (ratios)] if species_unique=True or in the form [(elements), (ratios)] if species_unique=False. Example usage: >>> from smact.screening import smact_filter >>> from smact import Element >>> els = (Element('Cs'), Element('Pb'), Element('I')) >>> comps = smact_filter(els, threshold =5 ) >>> for comp in comps: >>> print(comp) [('Cs', 'Pb', 'I'), (1, -4, -1), (5, 1, 1)] [('Cs', 'Pb', 'I'), (1, 2, -1), (1, 1, 3)] [('Cs', 'Pb', 'I'), (1, 2, -1), (1, 2, 5)] [('Cs', 'Pb', 'I'), (1, 2, -1), (2, 1, 4)] [('Cs', 'Pb', 'I'), (1, 2, -1), (3, 1, 5)] [('Cs', 'Pb', 'I'), (1, 4, -1), (1, 1, 5)] Example (using stoichs): >>> from smact.screening import smact_filter >>> from smact import Element >>> comps = smact_filter(els, stoichs = [[1],[1],[3]], comp_tuple=True ) >>> for comp in comps: >>> print(comp) Composition(element_symbols=('Cs', 'Pb', 'I'), oxidation_states=(1, 2, -1), stoichiometries=(1, 1, 3)) """ compositions = [] # Get symbols and electronegativities symbols = tuple(e.symbol for e in els) electronegs = [e.pauling_eneg for e in els] # Select the specified oxidation states set: oxi_set = { "default": [e.oxidation_states for e in els], "icsd": [e.oxidation_states_icsd for e in els], "pymatgen": [e.oxidation_states_sp for e in els], "wiki": [e.oxidation_states_wiki for e in els], } if oxidation_states_set in oxi_set: ox_combos = oxi_set[oxidation_states_set] elif os.path.exists(oxidation_states_set): ox_combos = [oxi_custom(e.symbol, oxidation_states_set) for e in els] else: raise ( Exception( f'{oxidation_states_set} is not valid. Enter either "default", "icsd", "pymatgen","wiki" or a filepath to a textfile of oxidation states.' ) ) if oxidation_states_set == "wiki": warnings.warn( "This set of oxidation states is sourced from Wikipedia. The results from using this set could be questionable and should not be used unless you know what you are doing and have inspected the oxidation states.", stacklevel=2, ) for ox_states in itertools.product(*ox_combos): # Test for charge balance cn_e, cn_r = neutral_ratios( ox_states, stoichs=stoichs, threshold=threshold ) # Electronegativity test if cn_e: electroneg_OK = pauling_test(ox_states, electronegs) if electroneg_OK: for ratio in cn_r: compositions.append( _allowed_compositions(symbols, ox_states, ratio) if comp_tuple else (symbols, ox_states, ratio) ) # Return list depending on whether we are interested in unique species combinations # or just unique element combinations. if species_unique: return compositions else: if comp_tuple: compositions = [ _allowed_compositions_nonunique(i[0], i[2]) for i in compositions ] else: compositions = [(i[0], i[2]) for i in compositions] compositions = list(set(compositions)) return compositions